Strengthening of the Agriculture Cooperative and the Small Medium Enterprise Sectors in Eswatini

Project Update



  • Capacity support and training:

-co-designed work plans,  

-concept papers

  • Technical support and product:

-showcase presentation 


  • Improved capacity of MCIT through the co-creation of a set of validated, actionable plans, tools, and implementable recommendations and new capacity products (plans, concepts, etc.) designed to resolve key challenges and leverage new opportunities to reinvigorate Eswatini’s co-op sector including more fully engaging women and youth in the coop movement. 


  • While project leaders could effectively communicate and advance activities through online platforms, these channels were less effective in engaging wider or more peripheral stakeholders. 


  • 105 participants reached (directly) through activities conducted and project deliverables 
  • 220 Canadians reached through public engagement activities


  • Fiona Duguid also made a presentation at the TAP Showcase Event 
  • Fiona Duguid participated in the Co-operatives and Mutuals Canada Congress in Ottawa as well as the Canadian Association for the Study of Co-operatives Conference in Toronto.  


Project Profile

The Technical Assistance Partnership (TAP) initiative with one of Canada’s premier experts in cooperatives, Fiona Duguid, is working with the Government of Eswatini to strengthen the Ministry of Commerce, Industry, and Trade’s capacity to support the coop sector. 

The work will first conduct an evidence-based, gender-sensitive review of the sector; identifying its strengths, weakness, opportunities and challenges. Based on this review, Fiona and the Ministry will then co-develop actionable, relevant and appropriate tools, approaches and applications that the Ministry can use to improve the enabling environment of coops and better support their growth and sustainable development.  

Throughout the delivery of her work, Ms. Duguid is promoting women and young people as key participants in the coop movement and that, by fully engaging them as collaborators and champions, there is real opportunity to revitalize and transform the coop sector.   
