Specialized Anti-Human Trafficking Training in Jordan (Phase Two)

Project Profile

As part of the Technical Assistance Partnership – Expert Deployment Mechanism (TAP-EDM) initiative, two of Canada’s technical advisors in human trafficking and law enforcement, Andrea Wojtak and Wayne Hissong, are continuing to collaborate with the Public Service Directorate of Jordan to strengthen the abilities of the Anti-Human Trafficking Unit (AHTU) and other first-line responders to combat human trafficking in four primary areas of support: prevention, protection, prosecution, and cooperation.

Following the first phase of work, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) AMMAN Liaison Officer and RCMP headquarters have arranged a technical visit for the AHTU management team to travel to Ottawa in May 2024. The delegation will present to the RCMP a case study on previous human trafficking cases, highlighting lessons learned. After the visit, Wayne will travel to Amman to meet with AHTU leadership, observe current practices and policies, offer guidance and mentoring to senior managers, and help them identify and integrate critical policies and practices learned from the RCMP. 

Andrea and Wayne are collaborating with representatives from the Jordanian Women’s Policing Unit, the Ministry of Labour, the Ministry of Justice, Karama, and the government-funded trafficking shelter. The RCMP and international organizations such as the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, the International Organization for Migration, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, community-based organizations, and other foreign donors are also participants in this project.
