Whistleblower Policy

As a project implemented by Alinea International, TAP is committed to integrity and respect.

Anyone can use the Alinea Whistleblower Hotline to report any abuse on, or associated with, Alinea or its projects around the world.

Alinea’s culture is one of integrity and respect. These core principles are reflected throughout our Company, business practices and project work around the world. We have zero tolerance for any form of misconduct or abuse. Our Representatives and Business Partners lead by example, are accountable for their conduct and must report any actual or suspected misconduct of which they are aware.

Our Whistleblower Hotline can be used to report any illegal, unethical or improper conduct in a safe and confidential manner.

Anyone can use the Alinea Whistleblower Hotline to report any abuse on, or associated with, our Company or projects around the world. Examples include, but are not limited to, sexual exploitation, harassment, child abuse, slavery, trafficking, corruption, fraud and terrorism funding.

Alinea commits to protecting the identity of whistleblowers and will not tolerate reprisals against them. View the complete Alinea Whistleblower Policy here.

 To raise a concern, please fill out the comment form or email: ethics@alineainternational.com.

Confidential Whistleblower Reporting Form

Can you provide evidence to support your concerns?