Tracy Apoll

Tracy Apoll

Gender and Development Expert

Tracy Apoll is a gender expert with experience in international development. She specializes in gender-based analysis, gender audits, needs assessments, strategic planning and monitoring and evaluation. Her work includes results-based management, humanitarian assistance, and training.

As an expert for the Technical Assistance Partnership-Expert Deployment Mechanism (TAP-EDM) initiative implemented by Alinea International and funded by Global Affairs Canada, Tracy works alongside the governments of Mexico and Bolivia. In Mexico, Tracy is collaborating with the Ministry of Finance to design a strategy to promote the inclusion and leadership of women in the financial sector. Using the Gender-Based Analysis Plus (GBA Plus) methodology, she will facilitate an organizational assessment, a proposal of alternative solutions, and a gender integration strategy to minimize identified gaps. In Bolivia, Tracy works with the government’s National Autonomy Service, which coordinates with departmental, municipal, regional, and indigenous levels of government and the Pluri-national Public Management School. Her work involves supporting the development of a context-specific GBA Plus tool and course.

Tracy is passionate about promoting gender equality and has advocated for the empowerment of women and girls throughout her career. She has designed and delivered workshops on Gender-Based Analysis Plus, the Feminist International Assistance Policy, diversity and inclusion, managing for results, strategic planning, policy dialogue, project sustainability, and innovation.

Based in Edmonton, Canada, Tracy has worked with Global Affairs Canada, the Government of Alberta, and multiple municipalities across Alberta. She is bilingual in English and Spanish. Tracy holds a Master of Arts in Development Studies: Specializing in Women, Gender and Development from the Institute of Social Studies at Erasmus University, a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Alberta, and a Diploma of Commerce from King’s University.