Roberto Angulo is an Audit and Accountability Expert with experience in strengthening the capacities of governmental audit offices in terms of their legislation, organization, and planning functions. He follows the INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI) Audit Standards where applicable. IDI supports the capacity development of Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs), mainly in developing countries. Roberto supported the design, development, and application of all aspects of Performance Auditing through workshops and on-the-job-training methodology, emphasizing the value of good communication, teamwork, and participation of primary stakeholders during the audit process.
As an expert for the Technical Assistance Partnership-Expert Deployment Mechanism (TAP-EDM) initiative, Roberto, along with other Canadian experts, is collaborating with the Government of Ecuador’s Office of the Comptroller General (Auditor General) to support an expanded Performance Audit practice. The initiative aims to strengthen the performance audit practice to empower the Comptroller’s office to ensure the most effective use of state resources.
Roberto is a former Canadian Audit and Accountability Foundation (CAAF) fellow and a SAI Performance Measurement Framework (SAI-PMF) specialist with IDI-INTOSAI 2013. He leads SAI staff’s independent, internal, and external assessment teams in planning and executing assessments and preparing the Performance Report. Roberto also supports IDI by independently reviewing the quality of final self-assessment reports to support the IDI’s Independent Review Statement in SAIs from countries such as Honduras, El Salvador, Paraguay, Guatemala, Peru, Ecuador, Barbados, Armenia, and the UAE.