Vanina Ngalley

Vanina Ngalley

Data Science and Software Engineer

Vanina Ngalley is a data science and software engineer with over a decade of experience in information technology. She has successfully led and implemented complex projects for various organizations, including CARE International, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), and the Canadian Red Cross. Her expertise spans many areas, including database management, web development, data governance, and systems administration.

As an expert for the Technical Assistance Partnership-Expert Deployment Mechanism (TAP-EDM) initiative, Vanina is collaborating with the Government of Benin’s Observatoire de la Famille, de la Femme et de l’Enfant (OFFE) to support the delivery of comprehensive, inclusive, and gender-sensitive data. This initiative will review OFFE’s current approach and tools for collecting and disseminating data on gender-based violence cases to automate the system and improve data accuracy and quality.

Vanina is passionate about leveraging technology to address social and humanitarian challenges. She has worked on projects that have had a significant impact on communities around the world, particularly in Africa.

Based in Ottawa, Vanina holds two master’s degrees in computer science and Artificial Intelligence from the University of Ottawa and another one from the University of Picardie Jules Verne in France; Vanina brings a unique blend of technical expertise and strategic thinking to her work.