Support Tunisia’s technical and institutional capacities for gender and green budgeting (Phase Two)

The Technical Assistance Partnership—Expert Deployment Mechanism (TAP-EDM) is collaborating with the Government of Tunisia to support the Ministry of Finance’s Central Unit for Management of the Budget by Objectives (UGBO). Our joint focus is on promoting gender equality and implementing Gender-Responsive Budgeting (GRB) and Green Budgeting within various ministries.

Following the completion of Phase One, which involved researching international GRB experiences, creating a practical guide for ministry officials, and conducting training sessions, Phase Two will focus on a deeper analysis of impact and integrating green budgeting.

A Canadian Expert for TAP-EDM with extensive knowledge of gender-responsive budgeting impact analysis and green budgeting will assess Tunisian partners’ current approaches and tools. The expert will develop guides, tools, and training to support the Ministry in implementing green budgeting. Further, the expert will continue to strengthen the Ministry`s implementation of gender impact analysis.