Canadian Changemakers Podcast

TAP Launches New Podcast Series

TAP Launches new podcast series – “Canadian Changemakers.”

Join us as we explore the dynamic world of short-term technical assistance initiatives with a new podcast series highlighting the invaluable contributions of Canadians on the global stage. Listen to the series trailer here.

Canadian Changemakers features 7 TAP Technical assistance initiatives (TAIs), 8 Canadian experts who have worked in Asia, Europe, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean. Check out each of the episodes as we release them weekly, starting with the first podcast on “Climate Diplomacy in the Maldives” on June 5th, 2024, in the context of World Environment Day.

The series will shine a spotlight on the inspiring men and women making a difference in in the world, from navigating climate diplomacy in the Maldives, to promoting gender equality in the Moroccan labor market, to the collaborative efforts of a Canadian couple in global mining projects in Kosovo and Malawi, the launch of an anti-cyberbullying campaign in Tunisia and anti-corruption training and support in Paraguay.

Don’t miss it! Follow us where you find your favorite podcasts!

Thank you to our lineup of experts – Marco Heredia, Jenn Hoffman, Deborah Archibald, Malcolm Robb, Sally Yacoub, Pascal Lépine and Pat Poitevin who shared their captivating stories with us!

This podcast series is produced by Alinea International and funded by Global Affairs Canada.